Monday, June 1, 2009


I blocked Standing today.  

I hate blocking.

I think in pictures and all, but the pictures are much different on paper than they are on stage.  And then there's height differences and body types etc.

And sometimes, I can't get the pictures in my head to translate.

I know the blocking will change from what it is now to what it will be in the performance.  But I still want to go into blocking rehearsal tomorrow with some idea of what I'm doing.  Just to give a structure.  So people aren't wandering around aimlessly.  It's always worked for me before...but this time I'm having doubts.  

And I'm worried about this cast trusting me.

Yeah...I think that's the bigger fear.

But the more present fear is the fact that I hate blocking.  The trust one will be more present tomorrow in rehearsal.

What's funny is that in all of my shows, all of them, I have been complimented on my stage pictures.

If only they knew...